This is Pastor Tim’s article which appeared in the Evening Leader on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
I just finished watching the presidential debate and I have to tell you; it has been difficult to watch. Last year, I wrote an article about my suspicion of the strategy of the democrat party was they were going to wait until Donald Trump was secured as the republican nominee and then they would drop Joe Biden and go with a different candidate. I saw nothing tonight that would make me doubt that strategy.
Both candidates struggled in this debate for different reasons. Biden struggled with the pressure of the event. I spent this whole night feeling sorry for him. He should be sitting on a porch with some ice cream and telling tall tales to his grandkids. He has been in government for over a generation, and it is time he just went home. Someone in his family should have put a stop to this. Shame on his wife and shame on his advisors for putting him in this position tonight where he looked so terrible. He stuttered and mumbled through most of the debate. The only time he really seemed engaged is when he spoke about the virtues of abortion, a favorite topic of our so-called Catholic president. He claimed that no soldiers have been killed in his presidency, which made me wonder how that made the families of the soldiers killed in the withdrawal from Afghanistan feel.
Trump also struggled on the night, he struggled with the venue. Credit the Biden camp by putting Trump at a disadvantage of not having a live audience because Trump feeds off the energy of a crowd. Also, the Biden camp wanted the mics cut off when the other candidate was talking. It made it less of a debate and more of an interview. I have to be honest; I liked that format. It kept Trump from some of his worst impulses because he had to be disciplined based on the rules. The Biden camp dictated all of the rules, and, in my opinion, it ended up benefiting Trump. It kept him under control in a very difficult environment.
There was very little of content to learn from this Debate in that both candidates went with their standard talking points. We know both of these candidates and we have a track record for both of them, so there was new information to learn here. Biden and Trump both said a bunch of stuff we have heard them both say before. Biden called Trump a felon and Trump called all of Biden unqualified. I am sure that both sides are going to declare victory.
It would be very hard to vote for Biden after this performance. I can’t hardly see any scenario where he is not pressured to drop out of the race after how bad he looked. Anyone who watched the debate and is willing to be honest knows that this is what the Democrat party is going to have to do. It has nothing to do with Trump, Biden is physically unable to serve. I completely understand why people don’t want to vote for Trump, but if you ask me, Biden is not electable. For pity’s sake, I hope he is not on the ballot in November.
Here is my biggest concern going forward. The President of the United States looked feeble and incredibly weak and the whole world saw it. All nefarious forces on earth know that their window to make a move is closing. We have seen evidence of this. China threatening Taiwan, Putin invading Ukraine, and the Palestinian attack on Israel. I am very concerned for the second half of this year as to what other petty tyrants will start saber rattling because there are serious questions about who is leading the United States.
Which after what we saw last night is a legitimate question: who is actually leading the country right now? God forbid, if something were to happen, who is going to lead our nation? What I saw tonight does not give me any confidence whatsoever that the man elected to serve as president is going to be able to lead. Biden got to set all of the rules of the debate and he sequestered for a whole week to prepare and he couldn’t do any better than the mumbling and rambling performance we just saw. There is cell phone footage of Jill Biden walking out on stage to greet President Biden after the debate was over. To watch her lead him down the steps broke my heart. It was devastating to watch.
My intent was to watch the debate and write about what I heard but I am having a difficult time doing that because I can’t get over what I saw. My heart breaks for Joe Biden. He has wanted to be president ever since he originally ran for president back in the late 1980s. Now that he has been elected and I don’t know how much he has been able to enjoy it based on his physical condition.
Please pray for our country and our world. The world is a better place with a strong and powerful United States and we are not that right now and it is going to be 6 more months before any change could be made, whether that change be Trump or an alternative candidate for the Democrat party.